This demonstrates the two primary use cases for the Core Location Framework: getting the user's location and tracking changes to the user's location.
This sample application demonstrates using a CLGeocoder instance to perform forward and reverse geocoding on strings and dictionaries. The application also includes an example distance calculator that will display the distance between two placemarks.
This application implements a Teslameter, a magnetic field detector. It displays the raw x, y, and z magnetometer values, a plotted history of those values, and a computed magnitude (size or strength) of the magnetic field.
The use of the Core Location API for getting "heading" data is contained in the TeslameterViewController class. It creates a CLLocationManager object and uses it to get heading by invoking -[CLLocationManager startUpdatingHeading]. It implements the CLLocationManagerDelegate APIs for receiving heading and updates its user interface accordingly.
Demonstrates how to draw a path using the Map Kit overlay, MKOverlayView, that follows and tracks the user's current location. The included CrumbPath and CrumbPathView overlay and overlay view classes can be used for any path of points that are expected to change over time. It also demonstrates what is needed to track the user's location as a background process.
This sample demonstrates proper use of region monitoring, significant location changes, and handling location events in the background on iOS. The sample uses an MKMapView that allows the user to add and remove regions to monitor, as well as a UITableView to display the region enter/exit/fail events that occur. When the application goes into the background, location updates are stopped and significant location changes are started. Likewise, when the application enters the foreground, location updates are started again and significant location changes are stopped. When location updates occur in the background, a badge is added to the homescreen icon displaying the number of region enter/exit/fail events logged.
Current Address
Demonstrates basic use of MapKit, displaying a map view and setting its region to current location.
It makes use of the MKReverseGeocoder class that provides services for converting your map coordinate (specified as a latitude/longitude pair) into information about that coordinate, such as the country, city, or street. A reverse geocoder object is a single-shot object that works with a network-based map service to look up placemark information for its specified coordinate value. To use placemark information is leverages the MKPlacemark class to store this information.
Demonstrates the use of the MapKit framework, displaying a map view with custom MKAnnotations each with custom callouts. An annotation object on a map is any object that conforms to the MKAnnotation protocol and is displayed on the screen as a MKAnnotationView. Through the use of the MKAnnotation protocol and MKAnnotationView, this application shows how you can extend annotations with custom strings and left/right calloutAccessoryViews.